Mrs. Coffman, Counselor

About Me: This is my 19th year teaching, and my 10th year at Olpe. I am a graduate at Olpe High School and have loved coming back to teach at my alma mater. It has been special to be able to teach with few of my former high school teachers. I have a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education, and a Master's degree in School Counseling from Emporia State University. I have three daughters who attend Olpe Elementary: Mae & Sophie (twins) are in 6th grade and Charlie is in the 3rd. i feel lucky everyday to work at Olpe. There isn't any place I would rather be!

Fun Facts:

  • I have taught 5th & 6th Grade for 16 years.
  • I once came home while my house was being burglarized.
  • Every student at Olpe in grades 8-12 has been a former 5th grader of mine!


  • In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family.
  • Attending all Olpe sporting events!


"It is only heavy because you are deciding over and over again to carry."